Researcher at the Private Sector Development Research Center


Mariam Katsadze joined ISET-PI in February 2019. She is a member of the Private Sector Research Center (PSDRC) and is involved in private sector development projects.

Ms. Katsadze holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from ISET and is a graduate of Class 2018. Prior to graduating ISET she received her Bachelor’s degree with a Macroeconomics module from Tbilisi State University in 2016. From 2017-2018, she worked as a teaching assistant at ISET, lecturing in Macroeconomics course to first-year MA students. After graduating from ISET, Mariam worked at the Policy and Management Consulting Group - PMCG as a project officer, where she was involved in infrastructural development projects. Since September 2018, she is also a visiting lecturer at Ilia State University, teaching Principles of Economics to first-year BA Students.





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