
APRC is evaluating training programs for agricultural cooperatives in Georgia and is preparing report on the findings, conclusions and recommendations for revision of training program.

In 2016, ACDA started to provide the courses for agriculture cooperatives in Georgia. The goal of the project is to contribute to increase food production in Georgia and reduce poverty. The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity and skills of the Agriculture Cooperatives Development Agency (ACDA), to institutionalize continued training programs for registered cooperative managers and management leaders, to strengthen the management capacity and install proper governance at registered cooperatives and to improve understanding among cooperatives members of the meaning and purpose of cooperative enterprises and an increased sense of ownership of their cooperatives. The project activities will be throughout Georgia.

ACDA contracted APRC to conduct a training evaluation. The study will assess pre & post tests for agriculture coops developed by the project and prepare report on the findings, conclusions and recommendations for revision/modification in line with log frame and final training impact assessment.

We will compare pre & post tests results by adopting a multi-criteria approach based on both quantitative and qualitative analysis.


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