ISET Economist Blog

A blog about economics in the South Caucasus.

When Carrefour Corners Your Corner Store

In the last few decades, large supermarkets (referring to all modern retail, which includes chain stores of various formats such as hypermarkets, convenience and neighborhood stores) have changed the retail business landscape in many countries through larger store formats, more shelf space, an increased variety of goods and services, and extensive marketing strategies. The so-called “supermarket revolution” has been underway in developing countries since the early 1990s, and supermarkets have now gone well beyond their initial upper and middle class cust...
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Simon Appleby
Well done Irakli on a very comprehensive analysis and some thought-provoking suggestions.In countries that have had a significant ... Read More
Monday, 13 March 2017 3:03 PM
Irakli Shalikashvili
Thanks Simon for your comment. I would also like to add that in Tbilisi trading experience has got a long time period history. So... Read More
Tuesday, 14 March 2017 7:07 AM
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Food Prices Reach Lowest Mark. At Least in Tbilisi

Retail food prices decreased by 7.6% m/m (compared to the last week of May) and 10.1% y/y (compared to June 2015). The biggest drops were observed for tomatoes (-65.5%), cucumbers (-63.3%) and eggplant (-33.7%). Only a few products gained in value. The highest increases were recorded for cabbage (12.8%), tea (7.3%) and rice (7.2%). TBILISI FOOD PRICES REACH MINIMUM?! Retail FPI reached its lowest mark at the end of June with the main drivers being fresh fruits and vegetables. On the one hand, price declines in the fresh produce category are always expect...
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Eric Livny
Indeed, recovering lost markets is not going to be easy, especially for basic foodstuffs like tomatoes and cucumbers. The French w... Read More
Thursday, 30 June 2016 3:03 PM
Simon Appleby
Before the breakdown in relations, Turkey exported about USD$2.5 billion worth of fruit/vegetable and nuts to Russia each year. Ru... Read More
Thursday, 30 June 2016 2:02 PM
Simon Appleby
Even French wine is not guaranteed re-entry, on equitable terms or at all. Russian investors are being offered huge subsidies to e... Read More
Thursday, 30 June 2016 7:07 PM
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Tbilisi: the New Regional Shopping Bonanza or What?

As suggested by ISET’s most recent Consumer Confidence report, Georgian consumers are in no mood for shopping. And, yet, Tbilisi is abuzz with excitement about the recent lavish opening of East Point – a giant new shopping and entertainment center, the largest of its kind in the country.  Thus, while consumer confidence is hitting new lows, supply of retail space and world class shopping malls continues to hit its highs. A natural question arises: is Georgia’s retail market able to accommodate this surge in the supply of retail space? SUPPLY OF...
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