ISET Economist Blog

A blog about economics in the South Caucasus.

Rising Generation of Georgian Agripreneurs

According to the ILO’s Global Employment Trends Report, agriculture accounts for 32% of total employment globally, and 39% in Asia and the Pacific. In spite of this, it seldom tops young people’s “most wanted” wish list of careers. In developed countries like Korea and Australia, employment in the agricultural sector is gaining more and more popularity, however, moving back to the countryside in developing nations remains associated with poverty, inefficiency and lack of progress. In Georgia, the majority of the population is employed in agriculture, but...
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A Portrait of a Tushetian Farmer as an Entrepreneur

We first met Gogi Elanidze in winter 2015, when interviewing farmers in Rati’s village, Kvemo Alvani. Located in Akhmeta municipality, Kvemo Alvani and its twin, Zemo Alvani, are not your usual Kakhetian villages. The two serve as the winter base for the people of Tusheti, an isolated valley separated from Kakheti by the 3000m high Abano mountain pass. Getting settled. Kvemo Alvani’s rectangular shape and straight parallel streets betray a fairly recent, Soviet or...
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How the Age Structure Impairs “Inclusive Growth” in Rural Georgia

Currently, farming in Georgia is a “by default activity” – the vast majority of Georgian “farmers” are not really farmers in a professional sense but rather people who try to survive by growing agricultural products. When traveling through Georgia’s countryside, one sees immediately that it is mainly the older generation which has to resort to this default activity. Those who have more profitable opportunities leave for the cities, and these are almost exclusively young people. How much flexibility and motivation can we expect from those elderly who rema...
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Guest — Simon Appleby
Another reason for apparent aversion to taking risks in rural Georgia is that, being middle aged or elderly, many farmers don't ha... Read More
Tuesday, 05 May 2015 5:05 PM
Guest — William Berry
How can this be overcome? Or isn't that necessary? Mr. Bill....
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 5:05 AM
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