ISET Economist Blog

A blog about economics in the South Caucasus.

Agritourism in Georgia

Imagine spending some time in the countryside away from the noisy, dusty city, getting involved in agricultural activities, and discovering the local culture. This kind of tourism is called agritourism. According to the World Tourism Organization’s data, tourist options in rural areas are increasing. According to specialists, this tendency is caused by middle aged people’s interest in spending their vacations in a quiet environment with less air pollution. This kind of tourism is financially more available and particularly suited to short vacations becau...
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How to Transform Georgian Agriculture – With Twitter

  Farmers can be much more effective if they have up-to-date information, on prices, practices and weather. With mobile phones and mobile Internet they can get this information when, where and how they need it. The promise of the Internet for agriculture has been a popular idea, and in Georgia, too, policymakers and donors have begun to explore the options. Some pilot projects seek to program specific platforms for farmers, in order to inform and engage them. What many of these attempts may have overlooked is that the best tool is already available...
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Georgian Agriculture: Beacon or Red Lantern?

A question of causality: Does modernization of agriculture lead to economic growth or does growth induce a modernization of the agricultural sector? For many years, this question has been hotly debated among development economists. While those economists who believe in growth-led agriculture (GLA) were dominating until recently, now the proponents of agriculture-led growth (ALG) are afloat again. Which insights does this debate yield for Georgia? THE TRADITIONAL VIEW For a long time, the question seemed to be settled. If one asked a development economist...
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Simon Appleby
For heartbreaking real-life case studies of Chinas GLA model, where Chinese peasants were pillaged through punitive taxation (up t... Read More
Thursday, 03 November 2016 4:04 AM
Simon Appleby
I would question the rationale for deliberately focussing on labour-intensive agriculture. Six years ago I had rosy visions of com... Read More
Thursday, 03 November 2016 5:05 AM
Florian Biermann
Thanks a lot, Simon, for this interesting reading suggestion!
Friday, 11 November 2016 12:12 PM
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All the Roads Lead to Tskaltubo

FROM BADEN-BADEN “Roulette until six in the evening. Lost everything”, notes Leo Tolstoy on July 14, 1857. He did not pen these words in Moscow or St Petersburg”, writes Elizabeth Neu. “It was in Baden-Baden that Tolstoy closed his diary with a sigh that night.” “Tolstoy was not the only literary genius to have travelled thousands of miles from Russia to take the waters and enjoy the thrill at the roulette tables… and to leave with empty pockets. They all flocked here: the great realist Ivan Goncharov and the enthusiastic young ballad rhymer Vasili Zhuko...
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Guest — megiddo02
Interesting article. Ms. Bochorishvili in her "interview" (there are not many questions asked by the interviewer) speaks quite a l... Read More
Thursday, 16 April 2015 12:12 AM
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