
ISET Policy Institute started cooperation with TBC Bank on a series of training programs the aim of which is to introduce the Banks employees to the advanced statistics and data analysis methods.

The first training round started in June 2013 and covered mathematical modeling, statistics and spreadsheet analysis. The program focused on the analytical challenges TBC Bank staff encounter in their daily routines, enabling them to perform forecasting, optimization and simulation tasks. The program consisted of three modules, delivered over a 4-week period in TBC bank premises. Three 2-hour classes were delivered every week for a total of 24 hours of instruction.




Mathematics module: Basic algebra and optimization;

Statistics module: Data summary and presentation skills, inferential statistics;

MS Excel module: Optimization (using Solver);

Simulations (Monte Carlo);

Statistical functions.


Rati Gabrichidze


TBC Bank

Training Milestones

Status: Completed

Start Date: June,2013

End Date: July 2013

ISET Lectures, Seminars and Trainings


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