On May 29, Dr. Maksym Obrizan, from the Kyiv School of Economics, provided an interesting seminar on the subject of his working paper, "Retirement in HRS participants: the role of endogenous subjective and objective health measures".

The speaker began by introducing the essence of his research. Which factors affect the decision to retire? Existing studies identify factors such as health insurance, financial incentives and, perhaps most importantly, health conditions. However, such studies tend to ignore individual heterogeneity.

On May 23, 2014, ISET hosted a presentation by Dr. Ira Gang from Rutgers University, who presented his paper titled: “Is women’s ownership of land a panacea in developing countries? evidence from land-owing farm households in Malawi”.

“Considering agricultural externalities in the measurement of farm performance: the Swiss case” was the title of a presentation given by Dr. Phatima Mamardashvili at ISET on April 29.

Dr. Mamardashvili’s research is about agricultural externalities. In her talk she presented a study that investigates the performance of Swiss dairy farms, considering both positive and negative externalities. The results are based on the bookkeeping data of farms as included in the Swiss Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The economic and environmental performance of these farms are measured from the perspective of production efficiency.

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