ISET Economist Blog

A blog about economics in the South Caucasus.
Aleqsandre Bluashvili has not set their biography yet

Rural Unemployment Through Productivity Gains

There are many possibilities how to increase the productivity of the Georgian agricultural sector. Experts suggest upgrading knowledge and technologies, promoting the collaboration among farmers, and coping with the land fragmentation problem, to name just a few of the ideas circulating in the debate. The right policy measures may indeed be successful to lift up the productivity, yet the unwanted consequence of a productivity increase may be even higher unemployment among the rural population. In particular, people who are currently underemployed are at ...
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Thou Shall Work or Thou Shall not Eat

Recent strikes of minibus drivers in Tbilisi have reminded all of us about the long-forgotten issue of labor rights in Georgia. Since the new government came to power in the beginning of October, employee protests have become a regular “inconvenience”. Some strikes lasted longer than others, as in the case of the Chiatura manganese mine and Poti port, generating significant losses for the Georgian economy. The situation reminded me of a year I spent as an exchange student in Thessaloniki, Greece, where walkouts by public and private servants became a dai...
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