ISET - International School of Economics at TSU has announced a one-year certificate course in finance for professionals who want to upgrade their competency in finance. Leading companies operating in Georgia were invited to each select one or two employees to participate in the program. 62 applicants from 34 organizations, from public and private sectors and donor community, have submitted their documents.

The program aims to endow people who have not received formal training in finance but have to deal with financial matters in their daily routine with fundamental concepts and methods of finance. It will enable the participants to understand and assess financial subjects independently and provide terminological and conceptual essentials for communicating with financial experts.


There are three core courses providing an overview of the central methodologies of accounting and financial reporting, investment decision making and capital market theory, and an introduction to banking. In one of the elective courses this knowledge is then applied to specific problems of project financing in a developing country. Alternatively, those with a pronounced mathematical interest can choose an introduction to financial engineering.

The program starts October 30, 2014. Classes will be held at 6:30 pm, allowing employed professionals to attend the course after working hours.

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