On May 23, ISET-PI hosted the launch ceremony of ReforMeter, which was attended by representatives of Government institutions, NGOs and international organizations. Welcoming remarks were made by Shamennna K. Gall, the acting Deputy Economic Growth Offices of the US Embassy, and Bruno Balvanera, the EBRD Director for the Caucasus, Moldova and Belarus.
ReforMeter is an online platform which generates reform progress analysis for policy making and public dialogue, and builds trust between the government, the private sector and the general public. The project is implemented by the ISET Policy Institute and financed by USAID G4G.
The progress of each reform will be evaluated twice a year. Reforms currently being assessed by ReforMeter are SME/ Innovation Development, Agricultural Development and Capital Market Development.
The project's implementation process is overseen by a Steering Committee consisting of members representing different segments of Georgian society, namely academia, civil society, the private sector, and the international community. The Steering Committee has a mandate to select the set of economic reforms to be tracked, guide the Executive Team in making decisions on key operational issues, allocate weights to each reform in ReformVerdict, and nominate and approve members of specific reform stakeholder groups.
Find more information about ReforMeter here: ReforMeter.iset-pi.ge.