On Friday, May 29th, Jan Fidrmuc from Brunel University presented his recent research paper titled “Happiness and Religion” coauthored with Çiğdem Börke Tunalı from Istanbul University to the ISET Community. This was not Mr Fridrmuc’s first visit to ISET, he has already presented very interesting works about Friday the 13th superstition and persistence of social capital.
At the beginning of the presentation, Mr. Fidrmuc explained utility of religion and the ways religion may affect human happiness. He reflected on possible costs associated with religion. Authors use five ways of the European Social Survey in their study, covering 2000 to 2008, to analyze the effect of religion on happiness.
On Thursday, May 28th, at the request of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Diaspora Issues ISET hosted Liesl A. Riddle, associate professor of International Business and International Affaris at the George Washington University School of Business. Prof. Riddle gave a presentation titled “Diaspora Roles in Development around the World: Challenges, Opportunities & Models”.
Prof. Riddle talked about general issues related to diaspora. As explained, people leave their home countries for various reasons, such as escalating the political situation in the country, corruption, government changes, etc. The majority of migrants cross borders in search of better economic and social opportunities. Number of international emigrants doubled in 1975-2000 and reached 200 million worldwide. 1 in 10 persons in developed countries is a migrant.