On the 21st of September, Salome Gelashvili, senior researcher at APRC, attended workshop on the topic of “Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the M4P and Value Chain Projects supported by SDC in the South Caucasus” organized by Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus.
The objective of the workshop was to analyze the elements of the monitoring framework in Cost-Benefit Analysis/Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CBA/CEA). The workshop started with a presentation of the study conducted by the director of Consulting Gmbh Stefan Joss and Ketevan Gogotchuri, ISET alumni from the class of 2015. The presentation was followed by panel discussion about the different ways of doing CBA and its importance for development projects.

The ISET Policy Institute is a founding member of the Economic Policy Advocacy Coalition (EPAC), supported by USAID’s Governing for Growth (G4G) project. This initiative seeks to support the creation of an enabling business environment through public and private dialogues.
EPAC unites a total of 33 organizations, including business associations, think thanks, and non-profit institutions that contribute to Georgia's economy and civil society. "For every society, it's very important to be organized. It doesn't help to have educated people or even oil and gas. If you are not organized, resources will be wasted and people will go away to find something else to do. This coalition will bring people and organizations together around the issues that matter"- said Eric Livny in an interview with Rustavi 2.

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