On November 4th, President of ISET Eric Livny and the Team Leader of the German Economic Team (GET) Ricardo Giucci held a joint session for stakeholders on their most recent study: Depreciation of Lari: “Necessary and Effective”, that GET produced in cooperation with ISET-PI. Mr. Eric Livny started with a short introduction about the partnership between the ISET-PI and GET that has been going on over a year in subjects such as: exchange rate, industrial, energy, resource extraction policies etc. Afterwards Mr. Giucci presented study to the stakeholders.

The study includes some of the major reasons behind Lari Depreciation starting from autumn 2014: such as linkages of Georgia to its neighboring countries, global appreciation of dollar, increasing trade deficit by USD 500 mil, higher demand for USD. Afterwards Mr. Giucci reviewed National Bank policies undertaken in this period and evaluated them as effective to regain stability in the economy.

We are excited to announce the official establishment of the ISET Alumni Association. The association will serve our growing network of distinguished alumni and help the entire ISET family to enhance their professional networks, and to catalyze initiatives among Georgia’s best and brightest young economists. 

The Primary objective of the association is to:

• Enhance Network of graduates, ISET community, new comers and other interested parties
• Promote Georgia’s young generation and its continuing education
• Provide support to association members
• Support ISET in achieving its goals
• Create a platform for knowledge and experience sharing.

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