ISET PI researcher Maka Chitanava participated in the “International Summer School on Migration Research”, organized within the framework of two EU-funded projects, “Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management” (an ENIGMMA project implemented in Georgia by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development), and the “Support for Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan” project (a MOBILAZE endeavour implemented in Azerbaijan by the ICMPD). The camp took place between 26 June and 2 July 2016 in Qax, Azerbaijan.
A total of 50 researchers, students and professionals attended the camp, from state institutions and civil society organizations from Georgia and Azerbaijan as well diaspora members of both countries.
Transparify, an organisation which examines the financial transparency of think-tanks throughout the world, has declared ISET a global leader and granted it the Transparify Award.
Transparify investigates the funding transparency of think-tanks with the purpose of identifying those which are dedicated to transparency and integrity in policy research and advocacy, and draw attention to others that accept money from closed sources.
The Transparify Award is given to those think-tanks which fully disclosed the funding behind them; other winners have subsequently displayed their Transparify Award on their websites, studies and in donor reports.