On Thursday, March 26th, Dr. Nani Macharashvili, from TSU delivered a lecture in which she touched the importance of deliberative model of public policy making.
In her first part of presentation she defined conventional and unconventional participation models. As she said ‘Conventional’ participation concerns with institutionalized modes of political action, such as reading about politics, discussion of politics, contacting officials, working for a party and other activities concerning the electoral process. On the other hand ‘unconventional’ forms of political behavior refers to a means of political redress, namely the use of tactics as petitions, demonstrations, boycotts, rent or tax strikes, unofficial industrial strikes, occupations of buildings, blocking of traffic, damage to property, and personal violence”.
On Friday, March 20th, in the conference hall of ISET, Jan Fidrmuc from Brunel University gave a presentation titled "How Persistent Is Social Capital?”. In the beginning of the presentation he has defined Social Capital (SK) as one of the factors of production which encourages cooperation and helps to overcome free-riding. Fidrmuc presented different measures of Social Capital such as social connections and interactions expressed in interpersonal relations, civic participation, trust and reciprocity.
Guest speaker talked about the social and economic effects of Social Capital and argued that contemporaneous Social Capital need not be determined by long-term historical legacies.