In December 2014 ISET-PI has been awarded a 5-year grant by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) providing the Institute with the opportunity to transform itself into the premier economic policy think-tank in the South Caucasus. To achieve this objective, ISET-PI is currently in the process of forming four new specialized policy research centers to work alongside the Institute’s Agricultural Policy Research Center (APRC). These four new centers will address the following priority areas: i) macroeconomic and financial regulation; ii) social policy; iii) private sector development; and, last but not least, iv) energy and environment. An additional grant from the Think Tank Fund of the Open Society Institute will be used to strengthen ISET-PI’s linkages with international partner institutions and to increase its presence in print, social and electronic media.
On February 25th, ISET hosted Riikka Savolainen, Ph.D. from the Aalto University, Finland. Dr. Savolainen holds a master’s degree from the Helsinki School of Economics. Her research interests include applied microeconometrics and political economy and, more specifically, intra-party heterogeneity and candidate strategies. Her general interests include history and political philosophy.
At ISET, Dr. Savolainen presented her job market paper “How does Economic Crisis Influence Politicians’ Environmental Policy Positions?”
The behavior of voters in response to change in micro and macroeconomic environment is well researched and studied. But Dr. Savolainen is interested whether change in municipal unemployment make the Finnish municipal elections candidates more willing to prioritize employment over environmental protection?