აგროინდექსის უახლესი პუბლიკაციები


სოციალური პოლიტიკის უახლესი ინდექსები


ენერგეტიკის ინდექსების უახლესი პუბლიკაციები


მაკროეკონომიკის ინდექსების უახლესი პუბლიკაციები

კერძო სექტორის ინდექსების უახლესი პუბლიკაციები

In April, the CCI went up by 5.4 points (from -31 to -25.6). We believe that two factors stimulate the raised consumption mood of Georgians: firstly, the new opportunity to travel visa-free to the countries of the European Union; secondly, the stabilization of the lari exchange rate.

After the sharp fall in consumer confidence that occurred in December 2016, the index continues in a mostly horizontal direction with a minor but still noticeable negative trend. March 2017, with a minor decrease by 0.1 points, very much fits in this story of a “slow death of the Georgian economy”. The present situation index decreased by 0.3 points, albeit much less than in the previous months, while the expectations index has stayed literally the same (-25.4 points). Maybe this indicates a stabilization (though at a low level) or even heralds a turnaround?

Compared to November 2016, the CCI decreased sharply from -11.5 to -26.5 (by 15 points). This is the most dramatic loss of the CCI ever observed since in 2012 we started measuring consumer confidence in Georgia! It has nothing to do with a winter blues, as in the same period of last year (November to December 2015), the CCI went up from -40 to -30.4 (by 9.6 points). Compared to November 2016, the CCI decreased sharply from -11.5 to -26.5 (by 15 points). This is the most dramatic loss of the CCI ever observed since in 2012 we started measuring consumer confidence in Georgia! It has nothing to do with a winter blues, as in the same period of last year (November to December 2015), the CCI went up from -40 to -30.4 (by 9.6 points).

After a dramatic fall in December 2016, consumer confidence in Georgia stabilized at a low level. While in January, the present situation index was continuing to go down by 1.3 points from -29.8 to -31.1, peoples’ expectations have rebounded by 0.8 points from -23.2 to -22.4, so that the overall CCI of January remained almost unchanged (-26.7 points) compared to December (-26.5 points).

Compared to October 2016, the overall CCI turned towards the negative, going down by 0.7 points, from -10.8 to -11.5. The present situation index decreased by one point, from -14.3 to -15.3, and the expectation index went down by 0.6 points from -7.2 to -7.8. This may herald a reversal of the overall positive tendency we have observed since the beginning of the year, or it may be just another interruption of the positive trend (the first such interruption took place in August 2016).

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